AA Mannan, APS Darlington, RJ Tanaka, DG Bates (2025). Design principles for engineering bacteria to maximise chemical production from batch cultures. Nature Communications.
Skin Microbiome
HJ Pybus, P Dangarh, MYN Ng, CM Lloyd, S Saglani, RJ Tanaka (2025). Mechanistic modelling of allergen-induced airways disease in early life. Scientific Reports.
Preschool Wheeze & Asthma
C Lai, NR Fuggle, RN Matin, RJ Tanaka, CRS Banerji, N Rajan (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Dermatological Research and Healthcare: British Society for Investigative Dermatology Skin Club Report - Southampton April 2024. British Journal of Dermatology.
H Goreski, D Ilic, V Flacher, E van den Bogaard, C Guttmann-Gruber, RJ Tanaka, G Gülseren, C Marquette, J Fluhr, V Filor, S Sprincean, S Dubrac, COST Action CA21108 (2024). NETSKINMODELS: A European Network for Skin Engineering and Modeling. Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
WCG Fong, L Howells, I Muller, EJ Mitchell, A Baker, L Thuma, E Harrison, L Bradshaw, Y Jiang, F Cowdel, P Leighton, A Montgomery, J Ravenscroft, MJ Ridd, M Santer, RJ Tanaka, N Hilken, R Swinden, R Dooley, C Layfield, C Upton, S Collins, F Davies, T Owen, M Eddis-Finbow, D Patel, G Putrym, HC Williams, A Roberts, KS Thomas (2024). The Eczema Bathing Study: Weekly versus daily bathing for people with eczema? Protocol of an online, randomised controlled trial. NIHR Open Res.
L Huang, WH Tang, R Attar, C Gore, HC Williams, A Custovic, RJ Tanaka (2024). Remote assessment of eczema severity via AI-powered skin image analytics: A systematic review. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.
K Fukuda, Y Ito, Y Furuichi, T Matsui, H Horikawa, T Miyano, T Okada, M van Logtestijn, RJ Tanaka, A Miyawaki, M Amagai (2024). Three stepwise pH progressions in stratum corneum for homeostatic maintenance of the skin. Nature Communications.
Skin Microbiome
T Hameed, N Motsi, E Bignell, RJ Tanaka (2024). Inferring fungal growth rates from optical density data. PLoS Computational Biology.
Systems Mycology
J Lee, AA Mannan, T Miyano, AD Irvine, RJ Tanaka (2024). In silico elucidation of key drivers of S.aureus-S. Epidermidis-induced skin damage in atopic dermatitis lesions. JID Innovations.
Skin Microbiome
A Duverdier, G Hurault, KS Thomas, A Custovic, RJ Tanaka (2024). Evaluation of measurement errors in the Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) outcome. Clinical and Experimental Allergy.
G Hurault, JF Stalder, MS Aroman, RJ Tanaka (2024). Data-driven personalised recommendations for eczema treatment using a Bayesian model of severity dynamics. medRxiv.
K Tian, P Dangarh, H Zhang, C Hines, A Bush, HJ Pybus, JA Harker, CM Lloyd, RJ Tanaka, S Saglani (2023). Role of epithelial barrier function in inducing type 2 immunity following early-life viral infection. Clinical and Experimental Allergy.
Preschool Wheeze & Asthma
R Attar, G Hurault, Z Wang, R Mokhtari, K Pan, B Olabi, E Earp, L Steele, HC Williams, RJ Tanaka (2023). Reliable detection of eczema areas for fully automated assessment of eczema severity from digital camera images. JID Innovations.
C Fujihara, K Murakami, S Magi, D Motooka, T Nantakeeratipat, A Canela, RJ Tanaka, M Okada, S Murakami (2023). Omics-Based Mathematical Modeling Unveils Pathogenesis of Periodontitis in an Experimental Murine Model. Journal of Dental Research.
S Wongvibulsin, T Sangers, C Clibborn, Y Li, N Sharma, JEA Common, NJ Reynolds, RJ Tanaka (2023). A report and proposals for future activity from the inaugural Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Dermatology symposium held at the International Societies for Investigative Dermatology (ISID) 2023 meeting. JID Innovations.
G Hurault, JF Stalder, S Mery, A Delarue, MS Aroman, G Josse, RJ Tanaka (2022). EczemaPred: A computational framework for personalised prediction of eczema severity dynamics. Clinical and Translational Allergy.
G Hurault, K Pan, R Mokhtari, B Olabi, E Earp, L Steele, HC Williams, RJ Tanaka (2022). Detecting eczema areas in digital images: an impossible task?. JID Innovations.
A Duverdier, A Custovic, RJ Tanaka (2022). Data-driven research on eczema: systematic characterization of the field and recommendations for the future. Clinical and Translational Allergy.
L Steele, XL Tan, B Olabi, JM Gao, RJ Tanaka, HC Williams (2022). Determining the clinical applicability of machine learning models through assessment of reporting across skin phototypes and rarer skin cancer types: A systematic review. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology.
G Hurault, E Roekevisch, ME Schram, K Szegedi, S Kezic, MA Middelkamp-Hup, PI Spuls, RJ Tanaka (2022). Can serum biomarkers predict the outcome of systemic immunosuppressive therapy in adult atopic dermatitis patients?. Skin and Health Disease.
T Miyano, AD Irvine, RJ Tanaka (2021). A mathematical model to identify optimal combinations of drug targets for dupilumab poor responders in atopic dermatitis. Allergy.
Eczema Pathogenesis
RJ Toncic, I Jakasa, Y Sun, G Hurault, SL Hadzavdic, RJ Tanaka, S Kezic, B Marinovic (2021). Stratum corneum markers of innate and T helper cell-related immunity and their relation to the disease severity in Croatian patients with atopic dermatitis. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology.
JG Holm, G Hurault, T Agner, ML Clausen, S Kezic, RJ Tanaka, SF Thomsen (2021). Immunoinflammatory Biomarkers in Serum Are Associated with Disease Severity in Atopic Dermatitis. Dermatology.
G Hurault, V Delorieux, YM Kim, K Ahn, HC Williams, RJ Tanaka (2021). Impact of environmental factors in predicting daily severity scores of atopic dermatitis. Clinical and Translational Allergy.
T Miyano, AD Irvine, RJ Tanaka (2021). Model-based meta-analysis to optimise S. aureus-targeted therapies for atopic dermatitis. JID Innovations.
Skin Microbiome
K Pan, G Hurault, K Arulkumaran, HC Williams, RJ Tanaka (2020). EczemaNet: Automating Detection and Severity Assessment of Atopic Dermatitis. MLMI: International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging.
T Miyano, RJ Tanaka (2020). Identification of keratinocyte subpopulations in transcriptome to evaluate drug effects in atopic dermatitis. British Journal of Dermatology.
J Nousbeck, MA McAleer, G Hurault, E Kenny, K Harte, S Kezic, RJ Tanaka, AD Irvine (2020). miRNA analysis of Childhood Atopic Dermatitis reveals a role for miR-451a. British Journal of Dermatology.
Eczema Pathogenesis
G Hurault, E Domínguez-Hüttinger, SM Langan, HC Williams, RJ Tanaka (2020). Personalised prediction of daily eczema severity scores using a mechanistic machine learning model. Clinical & Experimental Allergy.
K Eyerich, SJ Brown, BEP White, RJ Tanaka, R Bissonette, S Dhar, T Bieber, D Hijnen, E Guttman-Yassky, AD Irvine, JP Thyssen, C Vestergaard, T Werfel, A Wollenberg, AS Paller, NJ Reynolds (2019). Human and computational models of atopic dermatitis: A review and perspectives by an expert panel of the International Eczema Council. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
Eczema Pathogenesis
MA McAleer, I Jakasa, G Hurault, P Sarvari, WHI McLean, RJ Tanaka, S Kezic, AD Irvine (2019). Systemic and stratum corneum biomarkers of severity in infant AD include markers of innate and Th-related immunity and angiogenesis. British Journal of Dermatology.
G Hurault, ME Schram, E Roekevisch, PI Spuls, RJ Tanaka (2018). Relationship and probabilistic stratification of EASI and oSCORAD severity scores for atopic dermatitis. British Journal of Dermatology.
G Tanaka, E Domínguez-Hüttinger, P Christodoulides, K Aihara, RJ Tanaka (2018). Bifurcation analysis of a mathematical model of atopic dermatitis to determine patient-specific effects of treatments on dynamic phenotypes. Journal of Theoretical Biology.
Eczema Pathogenesis
AG Giannari, MDA van Logtestijn, P Christodoulides, K Konishi, RJ Tanaka (2018). Model Predictive Control for Designing Proactive Therapy of Atopic Dermatitis. 2018 European Control Conference (ECC).
Eczema Pathogenesis
E Domínguez-Hüttinger, NJ Boon, TB Clarke, RJ Tanaka (2017). Mathematical modeling of Streptococcus pneumoniae colonization, invasive infection and treatment. Frontiers in Physiology.
Skin Microbiome
E Domínguez-Hüttinger, P Christodoulides, K Miyauchi, AD Irvine, M Okada-Hatakeyama, M Kubo, RJ Tanaka (2017). Mathematical modeling of atopic dermatitis reveals “double-switch” mechanisms underlying 4 common disease phenotypes. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
Eczema Pathogenesis
P Christodoulides, Y Hirata, E Domínguez-Hüttinger, SG Danby, MJ Cork, HC Williams, K Aihara, RJ Tanaka (2017). Computational design of treatment strategies for proactive therapy on atopic dermatitis using optimal control theory. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences.
Eczema Pathogenesis
Y Yamakawa, K Ikeda, I Saiki, J Desrues, RJ Tanaka (2017). Diffuse bifurcations engraving diverse shear bands in granular materials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.
AA Granados, MM Crane, LF Montano-Gutierrez, RJ Tanaka, M Voliotis, PS Swain (2017). Distributing tasks via multiple input pathways increases cellular survival in stress. eLife.
SY Lee, NJ Boon, AAR Webb, RJ Tanaka (2016). Synergistic activation of RD29A via integration of salinity stress and abscisic acid in arabidopsis thaliana. Plant and Cell Physiology.
M Yokouchi, T Atsugi, MDA van Logtestijn, RJ Tanaka, M Kajimura, M Suematsu, M Furuse, M Amagai, A Kubo (2016). Epidermal cell turnover across tight junctions based on Kelvin's tetrakaidecahedron cell shape. eLife.
M Ono, RJ Tanaka (2016). Controversies concerning thymus-derived regulatory T cells: Fundamental issues and a new perspective. Immunology and Cell Biology.
MDA van Logtestijn, PJ Caspers, S Kezic, DR Hoffman, DW Koenig, M Ono, GN Stamatas, RJ Tanaka (2016). Water resistance profile as a marker of skin barrier damage in atopic dermatitis patients. Journal of Dermatological Science.
Eczema Pathogenesis
RJ Tanaka, NJ Boon, K Vrcelj, A Nguyen, C Vinci, D Armstrong-James, E Bignell (2015). In silico modeling of spore inhalation reveals fungal persistence following low dose exposure. Scientific Reports.
Systems Mycology
MDA van Logtestijn, E Domínguez-Hüttinger, GN Stamatas, RJ Tanaka (2015). Resistance to water diffusion in the stratum corneum is depth-dependent. PLoS ONE.
M Ono, RJ Tanaka, M Kano (2014). Visualisation of the T cell differentiation programme by Canonical Correspondence Analysis of transcriptomes. BMC Genomics.
Quentin Sabatier, Holger G. Krapp, RJ Tanaka (2014). Dynamic optimisation for fly gaze stabilisation based on noisy and delayed sensor information. 2014 European Control Conference.
RJ Tanaka, M Ono (2013). Skin disease modeling from a mathematical perspective. Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
Eczema Pathogenesis
E Domínguez-Hüttinger, M Ono, M Barahona, RJ Tanaka (2013). Risk factor-dependent dynamics of atopic dermatitis: Modelling multi-scale regulation of epithelium homeostasis. Interface Focus.
Eczema Pathogenesis
M Ono, RJ Tanaka, M Kano, T Sugiman (2013). Visualising the Cross-Level Relationships between Pathological and Physiological Processes and Gene Expression: Analyses of Haematological Diseases. PLoS ONE.
N Ejaz, HG Krapp, RJ Tanaka (2013). Closed-loop response properties of a visual interneuron involved in fly optomotor control. Frontiers in Neural Circuits.
N Ejaz, RJ Tanaka, HG Krapp (2012). Static versus adaptive gain control strategy for visuo-motor stabilization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
D Schley, RJ Tanaka, K Leungchavaphongse, V Shahrezaei, J Ward, C Grant, B Charleston, CJ Rhodes (2012). Modelling the influence of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine antigen stability and dose on the bovine immune response. PLoS ONE.
RJ Tanaka, M Ono, HA Harrington (2011). Skin barrier Homeostasis in atopic dermatitis: Feedback regulation of kallikrein activity. PLoS ONE.
Eczema Pathogenesis
DA Schwyn, FJH Heras, G Bolliger, MM Parsons, HG Krapp, RJ Tanaka (2011). Interplay between feedback and feedforward control in fly gaze stabilization. IFAC Proceedings Volumes.
N Ejaz, RJ Tanaka, HG Krapp (2011). Closed-loop performance of a proportional controller for visual stabilization using a fly-robot interface. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics.